Babysitting Queenstown Booking
Terms & Conditions
Parents: please read carefully before confirming your booking:
Please note that by confirming your booking you are adhering to the booking T & C’s.
Our bookings are a 4-hour minimum.
You will be informed about availability as soon as reasonably practical.
Our rates start at:
One child: From $40 per hour plus $30 daily booking fee and travel
Two children: From $45 per hour plus $30 daily booking fee and travel
Three children: From $50 per hour plus $30 daily booking fee and travel
Four children or more: Price on request, plus $30 daily booking fee and travel per sitter
For last minute bookings (requested within 48 hours of start time), an additional $5 per hour to rates above apply, plus $40 booking fee and travel.
Confirmed last minute bookings must be paid in full for all days and times booked, even in the event of a cancellation.
Overnight charges from 1am may apply, unless agreed by both parties at the time of booking confirmation, from $75 per hour.
Note: Rates may increase when more than one family is sharing one babysitter.​
​The total bill will include GST.
Special rates apply for NZ Public Holidays & New Years (including 31st December) at an hourly time and a half rate, plus $40 booking fee and travel. To confirm your reservation, we require a minimum 50% non-refundable deposit.
A 4% transaction fee is applied to stripe payments.
Please be aware that Babysitting Queenstown reserves the right to increase our booking fees anytime.
The booking fee is payable per day booked and per babysitter. The same applies for travel fees.
You agree to pay for the full time of the booking if you return before the agreed end time.
​The agency will strive to provide the same sitter for multiple day bookings, however this is not guarantee. Alternative sitters may need to be placed due to reservation requests or sickness or injury of the Contractor.
​Mileage Fee:
Mileage rates will apply for all bookings more than 9km from central Queenstown including but not limited to - Arrowtown and surrounds, Gibbston Valley, Jacks Point, Kingston, Glenorchy and Lakeside Estates.
The Client agrees to pay parking fees if applicable.
​Cancellation policy:
We understand that sometimes circumstances change, and you may need to cancel a booking. However, please note that the following policy applies to all cancellations, regardless of the reason:
If a cancellation is made within 12 hours of the booking start time, you will be charged for 4 hours of the booking price.
If a cancellation is made within 4 hours of the booking start time or if you do not show up, you will be charged for the total hours booked.
Cancellations must be made by phone call only and directly to the agency. Please do not cancel through your Contractor or via email.
You must make the cancellation between the office hours of 8:00am to 8:00pm. If you cancel outside of these hours, the cancellation will be calculated from the following morning at 8:00am.​​
​Health & Safety Policy:
You agree to provide a location that is safe and healthy environment for both the babysitter and the child(ren) for the entire booking period.
The babysitter has the right to leave if the location does not meet the Healthy and Safety Work Act 2015. The Client will be charged for the total hours booked in such circumstances.
The Client must identify any hazards or dangers in the premises where the babysitting services will be carried out at the beginning of the engagement. This includes any specific medical or otherwise issues relevant to the child(ren) being cared for. The Client must also provide information on any controls for the identified risks.
The Client must ensure that the babysitter is aware of emergency procedures to follow in case of an emergency.
Any accident or incident that harms or may harm the babysitter or the child(ren) being cared for must be recorded and notified to Project Nanny as soon as possible after the event.
The Client must ensure that the babysitter is always aware of how to contact them.
Babysitting bookings cannot proceed if either the babysitter, children, parents or anyone travelling with the family have Covid-19 symptoms. If anyone develops symptoms prior to or during the booking please advise Babysitting Queenstown straight away.
You agree to give consent for the Contractor providing babysitting services to your children and to administer first aid if needed in an emergency.
You give your consent for your child's/children's carer/babysitter to administer medicine and/or authorize medical treatment as required.
​​Public Holidays:
Special rates apply for Public Holidays, Christmas & New Year, Weddings & Events. To confirm your reservation on Public Holidays, we require a minimum deposit of 50%, which is non-refundable.
Whilst every endeavor has been made to evaluate the honesty, character and responsibility of your Contractor, Babysitting Queenstown acts as an agent for You, not as an employer of the Contractor. Therefore the agency accepts no liability or responsibility for accident, injury, loss, damage or misconduct sustained by your Contractor, you or any other persons.
Additional children or additional families:
Rates are provided by Babysitting Queenstown at the time of reservation. If there are non confirmed additional children or additional families, Babysitting Queenstown reserves the right to cancel the booking immediately, charge the correct fees or to send additional Contractors to the booking.